今天在圣地亚哥召开的 OLED 全球峰会上,OLED 生产设备领军企业 Kateeva 宣布其 YIELDjet™ FLEX 系统凭借在关键有机层沉积工序上的绝对优势,领衔 OLED 薄膜封装 (TFE) 市场。
更多内容OLED 行业领导者联手,加快大尺寸电视采用喷墨式RGB OLED技术的进程 Kateeva今日宣布与Sumitomo Chemical有限公司(Sumitomo)建立关键的合作伙伴关系。Sumitomo公司是溶液有机发光二极管(OLED)材料的全球领导者。Kateeva公司是OLED量产专用的新型喷墨印刷设备的领先供应商。
更多内容Kateeva 公司即将推出全新制造设备,此举亦会将柔性消费电子产品推向主流市场。这家以技术著称的沉积设备供应商本周将会在加州圣克拉拉市举办的美国印刷电子 会议上推出 YIELDjet™ FLEX;这是专为柔性有机发光二极管(OLED)提供的高性能量产解决方案。
更多内容Kateeva, Inc.于今日宣布两项关键举措,用以支持其OLED喷墨式印刷生产设备应用方案的销售业务。首先,公司任命专业销售主管劳伦斯·蒂姆
更多内容Kateeva today announced an expansion of its Korea operation, marking a substantial investment in the world’s leading display manufacturing region.
更多内容Aiming to cut the cost of manufacturing flexible and large-size OLEDs, Kateeva today debuted YIELDjet™—an inkjet printing manufacturing equipment solution to produce such OLEDs in high volume.
更多内容Kateeva Chief Technology Officer and OLED co-inventor, Steven Van Slyke was inducted into the 2013 Consumer Electronics (CE) Hall of Fame for his contributions to the advancement of the consumer electronics industry. Van Slyke was one of 15 industry leaders honored last night at the CE Hall of Fame dinner held in Los Angeles.
更多内容Kateeva today expanded its leadership team by appointing technology executive, Alain Harrus, Ph.D. as Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The Silicon Valley start-up is developing a breakthrough inkjet printing manufacturing solution to enable low-cost mass production of flexible and large-scale OLED displays.